May 22, 2015
Have you heard of the famous “summer reading loss”?
Summer reading loss is something that happens to children who don’t read much during the summer. It seems that their learning and reading rate gets stalled because of their abstinence from reading for the whole summer which them jeopardizes their Meta cognitive skills.
Research has found that children living in poverty have the highest rate of summer reading loss by far. This is probably because they are not able to read during the summer because of lack of resources and because they need to work for the coming enrollment for the next school year.
However, I think that this has already been debated because of the numerous summer reading programs that the government and other private establishments have been hosting. These reading programs have helped the public and children with reading deficiencies greatly. The biggest help that these reading programs give are directed to those children that grew from poverty. This way, they can have unlimited resources and their learning won’t be stalled. And since these summer programs also offer extensive enrichment activities, they will also be able to help develop the participants’ skills and in the process, hone their talents and their imagination. These public library reading programs also make it fun for their readers because they encourage the usage of alternatives for learning like eBooks, web PDFs, and even audio books just to enable learning without getting bored, since we all know that children only have short attention span.
Another factor that you need to remember is that in reading programs, reading, being a very subjective activity because of the use of imagination, also has to be developed subjectively. This is why you should allow the participants to choose from a wide array of books. You should provide more genres of books which are appropriate to the age group in which the participants belong. Studies have shown that students who read for recreational purposes outwit those students who read for the purpose of learning and solely learning. Not having the interest and not loving what you’re doing will bring you to a point wherein you end up forgetting everything that you read about or even did because they did not matter in the first place for the reason that you didn’t like it.

“Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.” –Vera Nazarian
Lastly, and the most important thing to consider when hosting a summer reading program is to have it well supervised. Be sure that the environment is safe, that all the books are properly stacked in the bookshelves and that you have hired attendants that would help the kids reach for the books that they want to read on the shelf. Always keep in mind that you are handling kids and teens and these are the most crucial stages in life because it is during this time that they tend to be unruly and even tend to explore and be curious about a lots of things. Be sure to be able to answer their questions correctly because children remember everything which is precisely why this is the best time to have them trained.
If you prefer hiring performers/entertainers to host your summer reading program at your library, Amazing Attraction is your best choice. Visit their site for more information about your summer event and other occasions: www.amazingattractions.com/
You can read more about their summer reading program here: www.amazingattractions.com/library-programs/
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